Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Week and a half left, not that I'm counting

So this week's blog is going to be short, mainly because I've been doing nothing but prepare for impending finals. I did manage to take a short break for some tryptophan - induced coma on Thursday, as I'm sure many of you did too. It was a welcome change, hanging out somewhere other than Charleston, with people other than those at school and work. But now its back to the grind for two weeks of late nights and heavy books.
I thought I'd take a break and cheer myself up by talking to my mom and sister a little longer than usual when I called to wish them for their birthdays Monday and today - bad idea. Turns out the daughter of our close family friends had passed away under mysterious circumstances and so no one was quite in the mood to celebrate anything.
So now I am just waiting desperately for the semester to be over, and hoping that maybe as it gets closer to Christmas, things will look up.